- Active Customer Report - new columns Site Type and Email Address
- New Utilmate API method for adding a Price Plan
- Dishonoured fees not charged for CLOSED Accounts
- Previously unbilled usage will appear as separate transaction lines on invoice
- UI improvements have been made to dashboard views
- Sensitive information will be removed after 90 days for ALL customers
- GoCardless Report Added
- Restrict price plans available in MyAccount and on Move In process.
- Mobile Meter Reader Image Capture
- Stratapay information on Email Payment Reminder
- Billed Consumption Report - GL Account
- Price Plan Maintenance
- MyAccount verification MyAccount v2
- Bulk Mail Merge preview
- Work order changes
- Filter in customer credit status report
- Modifying PPD timing during end-of-month processing
- Welcome confirmation email
- Bulk call note interface
- Assigning the payment method to the default price plan